Students who have taken this course have said that they were stunned at being able to read a spread of cards before the end of the first day of the workshop when for years and even decades before they were unable to make any progress in learning to read cards. This workshop is super hands-on and we'll focus on learning traditional reading techniques and meanings as well as tying-in the intuitive process. Anyone can learn to read cards - especially you!
The Card Reading Essentials Workshop is a introductory-level course.
- The next Workshop will be held on April 27-28, 2013 at High Vibes Coffee & Crystals in Orem, UT.
- I am only accepting 6 students for this class - so if you'd like to make sure you get a place in the class, register today!
After registration you will have the option to mail me a check, use PayPal to pay with a credit card, or drop off payment at High Vibes Coffee & Crystals. If you register, but don't pay, and the class fills up, you may lose your seat. I'll notify you if this happens and give you an opportunity to save your seat - but your best bet is to pay as early as possible (though payment is not required at registration).
DATES: April 27-28, 2013
TIME: 10 AM - 6 PM on both days, with a 1-hour lunch break
TUITION: $190 per person
PLACE: High Vibes Coffee & Crystals - 1304 N. State, Orem UT 84057
TEACHER: Me - Holly Sue Hatfield. You can learn more about me all over on this blog!
BRING: Decks if you have them, drinks and snacks if you'd like, and a notebook if you're a note-taking type! And most important, a HUNGER to learn how to read cards!
TUITION INCLUDES: A brand new tarot deck and a 70-page workbook manual for learning to read cards that also includes a reference section on tarot symbolism. This manual has been put together by me with the best - and easy-to-use - information that I have found about reading cards and working with your intuition!
TUITION INCLUDES: A brand new tarot deck and a 70-page workbook manual for learning to read cards that also includes a reference section on tarot symbolism. This manual has been put together by me with the best - and easy-to-use - information that I have found about reading cards and working with your intuition!
Even if you don't want to become a card reader - I'm not one right now - learning to read cards is a valuable resource for finding meaning in life and learning more about yourself, your fears and dreams, and where some of your beliefs are holding you back from what you want most in your life.
The schedule for the class loosely follows this program (and is adapted as necessary to match student needs and interests):
SATURDAY - The Intuitive Piece
We spend Saturday familiarizing yourself with your new deck and with the feeling of intuitive reading. Satuday we spend about 3-4 hours just practicing with your deck in exciting and meaningful reading practices. By the end of Saturday you will be personally bonded and familiar with 4-8 cards from your deck, and able to read them alone, or together in spreads of up to 5 cards.
- Introduction to everyone, choosing your new deck, discussing students' topics of interest and hopes for the workshop
- Practice 1! We jump right into practicing the "Exploration of Most Limiting and Empower Beliefs" self-reading process. Students who have taken this course don't even realizing they're intuitively reading for themselves as we go through this step-by-step two card reading. This exploration process is one I have used for years, and only takes about 2 minutes to do a reading. But we'll practice it several times, using worksheets from your manual (with an extra copy of the worksheet at the end that you can copy and re-use!) to make sure you not only know how to do it during class, but will have it as a tool for yourself and others for the rest of your life!
- Lesson 1: A Deck of Cards is Like and Alphabet. After getting to play with your cards a bit, we'll go into why the cards work they way they do. This lesson is all about understanding that intuitive card reading has nothing to do with lightning bolts or visions of spirits - but about creating a resource manual in your mind using your life experiences, that intuition will use to speak to clear and meaningful messages to you.
- Practice 2! We'll put Lesson 1 to the test by practicing tarot journaling, and beginning to program cards with specific energies that match your own experiences and perspectives, so that when you read cards the messages you receive will be matched to feelings and relationships in life that you can relate to - not just speaking about things you don't understand. This practice enables you to make your card readings more meaningful and usable as opposed to bits and pieces of information that can be hard to tie together.
- Lesson 2: Anatomy of a Tarot Deck. One of the most frequent things that prevents new readers from having success is the overwhelm that comes from the incredible size and complexity of a deck of tarot cards. No worries - we'll break the anatomy of your deck down so you can see how it all works across the deck's different systems. The anatomy of a tarot deck is like the anatomy of a human body - we have a skeletal system, a muscular system, a cardiovascular system, etc. All of the systems in the human body work together to sustain life. Likewise, with a deck of cards, the different parts of a deck stand alone as beautiful and powerful systems of symbolism, and we can inspect and learn from those systems one-by-one before looking at the deck as a whole unit.
- Practice 3! This practice period is all about letting your cards - and especially the people depicted in them - tell you what they're all about. Forget about memorizing stuff from the Little White Book - instead, we'll do a meditation that will take you into the cards where you can intuitively stand in the scenery and interview the people in the cards to see what they have to say to you specifically.
- Lesson 3: History of Reading Cards and the Origins of Different Decks. It's valuable to know where card reading came from, and how to classify the thousands of different decks out there. We won't become hard-core historians, but after this lesson you should be able to explain to friends and family the basic facts of the rich history of card reading and what the difference is between, for example, an Angel Oracle Deck, a RWS tarot deck, and a Thoth tarot deck.
- Practice 4! Now that you've familiarized yourself and bonded with several cards in your deck (from Practices 1-3) it's time to start putting those cards together into multiple-card readings. We'll go through various combinations using the cards you chose earlier in the day to see how the meanings of the individual cards meld together into complex but meaningful messages. This isn't something I'll just show you - it's something we'll practice until you get it. And you'll be working with completely different cards than anyone else in the class (because you'll have pulled your cards from the deck at random for Practices 1-3) - so you will be working with your own cards, your own experiences and your own readings with support and mentorship. This is an exciting and powerful practice, because students always walk away astonished at the information they're able to intuitively extract from the cards! We'll start with 2-card readings and work our way up to 4-card readings.
- Lesson 4: Basics of Giving Card Readings. This is a quick, fun lesson about how to shuffle cards, how to lay them out, and what to expect when it comes to reading for others. It's an open discussion time for us to put all of our fears out there on the table and brainstorm ways to get through them that will work for you. Lesson 4 isn't about me giving you rules or instructions about how you must read your cards in order for the readings to work - it's the opposite! Each student will develop a unique reading style, one-by-one, with feedback and support from me and other students.
- Practice 5! Now that you've mapped out how you'd like your reading style to be, we'll practice it! Students will read for one another! I make sure to set this up in a way that puts minimal pressure on students, so it isn't an awkward situation, but a fun group-setting with a bit of anonymity so students can break through any fear or reticence.
- Day 1 Review. At the end of day 1, we'll review all of your progress and make sure any burning questions that have popped up for you get answered. Even if you have questions about topics we haven't covered yet, we'll make time to ensure you feel like you are on-track to successfully learn to read cards. It's important to me that my students don't just get through my agenda, or some generalized one, but that the workshop caters to their needs and interests.

After registration you will have the option to mail me a check, use PayPal to pay with a credit card, or drop off payment at High Vibes Coffee & Crystals. If you register, but don't pay, and the class fills up, you may lose your seat. I'll notify you if this happens and give you an opportunity to save your seat - but your best bet is to pay as early as possible (though payment is not required at registration).
SUNDAY - The Tradition and Symbolism Piece
- Lesson 5: Tarot Spreads. Sunday starts off with understanding how to build meaningful spreads for doing card readings. We'll cover some of the most common spreads, and afterwards we'll focus on each student building their own, unique spread that will give them empowering and meaningful elements to their readings. (Plus - students will be using the spread they create later Sunday afternoon to read cards for total strangers! Fun!!!)
- Lesson 6: Introduction to Archetypes, the Major Arcana and the Hero's Journey. Learning the traditional symbolic meaning of tarot cards is founded in understanding archetypes. We'll learn about these powerful, universal symbols and how they tie into the Major Arcana. Then, we'll lay out all of the majors and study the Fool's/Hero's Journey as it progresses through the Major Arcana and identify common archetypal stories that match stages in the Hero's Journey (like how the meaning of the Strength card is archetypically expressed through the story of Beauty and the Beast).
- We'll include practice periods between these lessons to ensure students are feeling fresh on their reading skills in preparation to read for strangers in the afternoon!
- Lesson 7: The Minor Arcana - Elements, Numerology and Enlightenment of the Suit. Just like we did with the Major Arcana, we'll now look at the suits of the Minor Arcana. Instead of going through card-by-card (which would take forever and result in information overload), we'll look at the suits as a whole, and focus on the interaction of the cards with one another. Then we'll look at card numbers across suits. And finally at the moments of triumph and challenge across the suits and what that can teach us about life and people.
- Lesson 8: General Tarot Symbolism. We finish up the symbolism study with a review of general symbolic themes inside and outside of tarot, including animal totem symbolism, colors and shapes, mudras and classic symbols (like a rose).
- Reading for strangers! I'll have a group of volunteers come in to the shop (mostly friends of mine who understand the process of learning to read cards) to receive short readings from students. These volunteers will rotate around the room through different students to make sure students get more than one opportunity - that way they can get a feel for reading for different personality types, and after their first reading they can incorporate feedback right away into another reading. Students are always amazed at how well they do during this reading practice - they always surprise themselves with their intuitive and technical ability.
- Discussion of how readings went, and final questions for class. To wrap the weekend up, we'll all discuss how it felt to read for others, what students felt and experienced during the readings, and options for further development of card reading skills in ways that appeal to students. We'll make sure all questions get answered and that students know how they want to go forward!
After registration you will have the option to mail me a check, use PayPal to pay with a credit card, or drop off payment at High Vibes Coffee & Crystals. If you register, but don't pay, and the class fills up, you may lose your seat. I'll notify you if this happens and give you an opportunity to save your seat - but your best bet is to pay as early as possible (though payment is not required at registration).
We'll have FUN in this class - I LOVE talking about tarot, and am passionate about making the experience and information accessible for everyone! This isn't about memorizing stuff and sitting through lectures, the Card Reading Essentials Workshop is 100% about exploring your potential, your interests and your power in a comfortable and supportive learning environment. I can't wait to take this adventure with you!
If you have any questions or would like more information, you can comment on this post (then others can see the answers you got!) or shoot me an email:
See you soon!
See you soon!
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