
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Goddess Eclipses the Sun

So I was doing a Tarot reading today and explaining to my querent that a LOT of women seem to be divorcing their husbands right now. Mostly because their husbands are boring, depressive or ... well ... one is psychotic in my opinion.

I've been thinking about this a whole bunch. The other day my Dad commented that I'm a total mystery to him. I said, "That makes sense. Because men are like the Sun. Either they're shining, or they're not. Women on the other hand, women are like the moon and they go through phases. One day they're shining bright, the next day their energy wanes, the next day they're like a new moon, dark and completely not open to shining for anyone. The sun is up in the daytime and down at night. But the moon wanders the day sky, then shows up at night, then you don't see her for a few days because your timing wasn't right, then she's blaring in your face, full blast."

The moon is traditionally linked to womanhood, and the sun to masculinity. In Greek mythology, the twins Apollo and Artemis were born, with Apollo, the male, given to rule the Sun, and Artemis, the daughter, given the Moon. The moon reflects the light of the sun ... when she feels like it. That would make some think she needs the light of the man, er sun, to shine. She sure does. But c'mon we're more complex than that! The Moon's visible power is in her reflection of the Sun, but her greatest power is in her invisible control of the tides on Earth. Don't forget that she too has a domain where she rules - and that her domain is totally separate from that of the Sun (man). There is absolutely no reason for a power struggle!

Ironically, the sun is the PERFECT distance from the Earth, and the moon the PERFECT distance from the Earth that when you're standing on Earth the two appear to be the same size. Exactly. Isn't that bizarre and miraculous? Can't we learn from that?

So, back to women divorcing their hubands. I've been thinking about how the sun is like men, predictable and unchanging, and how the moon is like women, in a state of constant flux and much faster movement. I've been hearing a lot over the past year about how divine female energy is reawakening on Earth after millenia of being stifled by patriarchal order. This is obvious through things like the Women's Movement, but I'd say overall the Goddess energy is becoming more apparent in all women. I have friends/sisters who earlier in their lives seemed submissive and meek, and are now stepping forward as powerhouses.

It feels to me like women are taking a moment right now in the world to eclipse the men, just like how the moon can eclipse the sun. It's like we just want to step in front of all of the men in the world for just 15 minutes (a solar eclipse after all only lasts for a few minutes) and be like, 'Dude, I'm over it! Yeah, you're bigger than me, but when everything is put into perspective in life, I'm not afraid to stand in front of you." I think that's why so many women are feeling restless in their boring or frustrating relationships.

It won't last, the moon has no intention during an eclipse of blocking out the sun. But the sun can't eclipse the moon, at it doesn't want to. A lunar eclipse is when LIFE, or the Earth, eclipses the moon, and should have nothing to do with male energy - it's more like a woman (Mother Earth) eclipsing herself (the Moon).

And so, men, just relax as we get this out of our systems. It's been building up for a while and we need to do this for our own sense of empowerment. It's natural and really not something that we care to control. It's not about getting rid of male energy, because without the sun's light, the Moon is stuck in darkness. Women like men, believe it or not. I know that I sure like them a lot, especially when they shine a light on me and I get to decide how much of it I reflect back (Sun/Moon). I don't want the male light to go out - no way Jose! I just need a little independence for a moment.

On this note, I was thinking about the whole economic crisis. I wonder, and this is just a wondering, if big banks - the good old boys - and other old powerful institutions are crumbling because they're not prepared to handle this shift in female energy. Any person or organization that isn't prepared to see a little challenge of patriarchal order won't survive these times. And that's ok. It's just the natural role of the universe to clear out rigid energy. That's what women do anyways - we like to shift things up. So if you are rigid, and don't have spring-loaded reflexes, expect some frustration with female energy over the next little while.

I have seen some men recently also who are doing just that - they're remembering that they DO have joints, and they DO have flexibility and they're mixing it up again! Yahoo! I see a lot of men, "good old boys" who are learning new things, opening up to possibilities and taking socio-emotional risks that they wouldn't dream of 10 years ago. This way, when the Goddesses in their lives swing around for an eclipse, they just lean to the left or right - and keep her on HER toes. We like that - the chase. Men are like dogs, they fight for a bone because they want to chew on the bone. When they get the bone they're happy, even if it was a handout. Women are like cats - they like the hunt. We bat the mouse around a few times, and the minute we win, we're disinterested. No chewing the bone for us! That's boring! Artemis was, after all, the great huntress.

So my hope is that we can keep our heads light and high and feel gratitude for the economic and political shakeups right now, and get excited to clear away silly old patriarchal cobwebs and enjoy those fabulous masculine energies in our lives that give us our light, and dance with our tides. No more tin men, without hearts and rigid joints! Time to LUBE UP! If you don't learn it from Dorothy, the Wicked Witch of the West (west = sunset) will drop by and get you movin! Mwahahahaha. :D

And THAT just might be a threat ... lol

1 comment:

iluvbrennin said...

WOW I have been receiving the crystal rays newsletter for about a year now, and this is the first time I have visited your blog. It will not be the last. Your thought power is sinsational. I dabble with tarot and astrology but I have a had time articulating it all into words for others. YOU ARE AMAZING! Shine on Girlie. Talk about Powerhouse.