For an explanation of this Spiritual Memoir
blog series, see THIS post.
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Radiant Rider Waite deck |
Tarot Card: Four of Swords
(See pics in this post from various decks)
My Interpretations of the Card
"Rest in the stillness of the Divine, by silencing thoughts and words."
Isn't tarot so weird? Last time I wrote on the five, six and seven of swords, and today I pull the immediately preceding card: the four of swords. I have to admit, I'm kinda wishing I could get another Major Arcana card ... but they just aren't coming. Oh well. This is a really good card, and I have a good memoir to go with it! :)
I feel like the four of swords is easily misunderstood. I find it to be by far the most peaceful swords card, and my first gut instinct every time I see it is: rest. Time to rest.
In the Rider Waite symbolism there is a golden coffin in a church or castle (as evidenced by the stained-glass window). The coffin has a statue on it representing the figure inside - a soldier. There is also the symbol of a sword on the side of the coffin, and three swords on the wall. I imagine this is the funeral of a great warrior, who won three battles (swords on the wall), and surrendered nobly in the forth battle (sword on the coffin).
Of course, the card doesn't symbolize death or "the end", because it's only card four - six more swords cards follow it. So why does it look like death?
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Sun and Moon Tarot |
Look at the gorgeous Sun and Moon Tarot's depiction - ah, yea! Blue skies, open possibilities, and instead of the swords being on top of the character in the picture, she's resting on top of them. This makes me think of "sleeping on it", or not arguing or thinking about a problem without a night to sleep and process the situation subconsciously. I also like this picture, because it makes me think of yoga.
Spiritual Memoir: Four of Swords
Around 2008 or 2009, I was invited to attend a discussion with "The Avarians". I had no idea what that meant, except that my friend Holly Semanoff and her husband, Mike Semanoff, were going to talk about some spiritual experience they had with connecting to higher beings - to angels or ascended spirits. I went with my sisters to the discussion event.
It turns out, Holly and Mike actually channel the words of a group of ascended beings, who call themselves the Avarians. When you go to an Avarians event, you sit with a group of people, with Holly facing you, and she and Mike take a few deep breaths and focus/meditate, and then Holly speaks the words of the Avarians, in their delightfully accented voice. If you'd like to learn more about them (and I recommend you do!), you can see their website here:
So I'm at this event, and Holly and Mike do their thing, and Holly starts talking for the Avarians, and they have all kinds of messages of love and hope and peacefulness, and it's cool. Then, they say, "We want to share a tool with you - a meditation." As directed, the whole room closes their eyes and focuses on their breathing, and so on. Throughout the whole meditation, I feel only half-focused, because I wasn't really listening to what they were saying, or thinking about anything else. I think I was just really tired. Eventually I started to doze off. After a few minutes, I heard the Avarians (through the voice of Holly), say something like "And now, feel your consciousness come back to this room...," and they guided us through slowly waking up, blah blah blah. I, personally just pepped right up, thinking, "Woops, that was a waste of my time, I just dozed off." Then after everyone else was back, the Avarians said some more stuff.
I don't know exactly when I realized it, but it was while I was still at the Avarians session, I know for sure ... I suddenly, somehow, had a realization that I had not dozed off or fallen asleep. I had, suddenly, a stream of memories of thoughts I'd experienced during the meditation. I remembered, suddenly, that I had been "thinking" about being swaddled or wrapped up in a warm blanket, while in a dark room or cave with indigo/black walls, and cradled in the arms of someone. Or someones. Even now, I can see/feel it in my mind. The person(s) holding me was lighter blue in color, and brighter than the bluish-purple-black walls, but not bright like a light. Just lighter, like normal light. I had felt warm and comforted and relaxed...
So... what the fuck? What the hell is that? I have no memory of actually thinking that, but a "memory of having thought about it..." - like, what does that even mean?!?! I don't know. I just don't remember thinking it, I don't remember "being" somewhere else, I don't remember seeing anything like it ever before in my life (like in a movie or something). But it was clearly in my memory - fresh. It felt very real, very personal, and actually very subtle. Maybe it was imagination ... but no, it was a memory. I can tell the difference between imagination and memory in my mind.
All of this "remembering" happened while I was still sitting and listening to the Avarians/Holly. As I tried to figure out what the hell was going on, I had a clear, confident knowing in my mind: I just had an out-of-body experience. My consciousness experienced something that my body didn't, and I haven't experienced it in this life before, so I didn't know what to call it. It wasn't a thought and it wasn't a physical experience. The best label I have for it, "memory" is nice, but not accurate. My consciousness left my body.
I know all of this happened still during the event, because at the end of the event, Holly said she had some CDs that explain more about what the Avarians are, and a special meditation essential oil blend. I was so stunned by that weird "blacking-out-just-kidding-that-was-superconsciousness" experience that I bought one of everything, went home listened to everything religiously, did all of the meditations on the CDs every day for a few weeks ... and never was able to duplicate the experience. I have attended over a dozen Avarians events since then, and never experienced anything remotely like that again.
Until about a month ago.
April 1, 2012, the same Holly invited me to take her Conscious Breathing for Enlightenment class, which is a mix of her years and years of experience with yoga, and the input and recommendations of the Avarians. I was really excited about the class - and even cut down my smoking tremendously to prepare for it (didn't quit though...ha ha!). At the end of the class, we did a 30-minute Chakra Dhyana meditation. All during the meditation, I remember being conscious, hearing everything, participating in all of the chants and breathing, etc. I remember when we were at the heart chakra, Holly came up and was touching my back, and I'm pretty sure she was sending me Reiki or something similar. It felt easier to breath all of a sudden, and my muscles felt less tired (I have terrible posture, so sitting up straight makes my back muscles burn pretty quickly).
I remember the meditation ending. And I remember being disappointed that nothing "big" happened (like, you know, an explosion of Kundalini or a visitation from God). Then as other people were talking about their experiences and the electricity they felt through their bodies (which I did not feel), I experienced a memory. A memory of being back in a purple-blue-black cave room during the meditation. I saw random flashes of thoughts and experiences. None of it made sense. A person, a war, voices, fire ... just little muddled flashes in the indigo cave. It was like a memory within a memory - I had a memory of being in this cave place and flipping through memories in my mind - memories that are totally foreign to me and my life.
What does all of this mean? I have no idea! Ha ha! I have two guesses, that may be simultaneously right or individually right, or dead wrong:
- I'm just experiencing different levels of consciousness. The "indigo cave", actually feels like it could be inside my mind, and indigo is the color of the third-eye chakra, so maybe in my mind I've experience some type of intuitive consciousness or something.
- I actually think it's possible I may be accessing past life memories or experiences. Yes, I believe in reincarnation, and I believe in being able to tap into consciousness of the "big picture" and not just this life's experiences.
One thing I know for sure though, I didn't imagine it. And I don't know how to replicate it, except possibly through better, more intense meditation exercises. (Read: Holly Sue ... get ... off ... ass ... and ... start ... meditating ... more ... regularly). I am excited for my meditation retreat next month - maybe I'll get a better idea of what's going on here! Oh, and next week, I'm getting a first Reiki attunement, and maybe that will help bust down any grime in my energetic system that blocks me from accessing this on my own.
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Arcus Arcanum Tarot |
Ok, now tying it back to the four of swords - I like the card in the Arcus Arcanum tarot. Here, the man sits and thinks, and the sentinels of his mind step aside, so that he has access to the wisdom of a High Priestess. His thoughts part, and he accesses a divine source of knowing, which supersedes his logical thinking. Beautiful imagery!
And, going back to the Rider Waite imagery, when I entered these trance-like meditative states, it was like I went into the sarcophagus - isolated from the myriad thoughts bouncing off the walls, and sat with one thought, one intention, one purpose. I sat in silence, and was inside my mind - the home of thoughts - but out of range of the thoughts themselves. And I found peace, connection, knowingness. But before all of that came the stillness.
A final thought ... I think a lot about how Gandhi did one full day a week of silence.
"In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in a clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness."
-Mohandas "Mahatma" Gandhi
Caroline Myss talks in her book Entering the Castle about silence (p.39):
"This quality of silence allows you to engage in discernment. You carry this silence within you, even when you are with others. It allows you to hold your center amid the chaos in life; it keeps you clear so that you do not do or say things you will regret or make decisions out of fear. Silence is a learned practice that requires far more than just not talking..."I think of this four of swords card as the card of internal silence. Quiet and resting on the outside too, but also parting the swords in our minds, sealing the sarcophagus around us, and experiencing that powerful, beautiful silence that has a new, completely different experience to show us. I'll let you know when my new experiences start making a little more sense... :)
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