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Radiant Rider Waite Deck |
For an explanation of this Spiritual Memoir
blog series see THIS post.
Tarot Card: The Moon
Card 18 of the Major Arcana. See pics in this post (from different decks).
My Interpretations of the Card
"Into the forbidden unknown"
Because the Moon card is in the Major Arcana of the Tarot, it represents a stage in the Hero's/Fool's Journey. It is positioned between the Star and the Sun. The Star represents a naked, vulnerable and trusting hopefulness, and the Sun represents a fulfillment of hope. The Moon, between these two, represents the journey through the unknown. But it isn't just the simple unknown, it is the forbidden unknown. It is forbidden because there is a mystery and falseness about the moon, for it appears bright, but does not produce its own light, instead reflecting the light of sun. Some would say that it steals the light of the sun, or falsely claims it like a wolf in sheep's clothing. The only way to find out if this is true, of course, is to experience it. To step on that road, and taste it.
The moon can also seem undependable - some nights it shines, some days it shines; sometimes it's full, sometimes it's new (empty). So there is an extent of chance, a gamble, with the moon. Those who know its cycles, though, often find its shifting appearance to be magical and mystical, as opposed to a symbol of unreliability or even deviance.
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Gilded Tarot |
In the Rider Waite deck's symbolism, the Moon card carries a hierarchical trilogy that is represented on many other cards, such as the Devil, the Lovers, the Hierophant or the Chariot (this is also represented in the Gilded Tarot's Moon card). In these cards there is a balance of opposites, with a powerful, superseding force suspended above them. The Moon card shows two identical towers, and two howling dogs on either side of a path leading from water into the mountains. In the center above the path is the moon. To me the Moon card looks like a balanced situation has reached its climax and that a new path must be taken - a mysterious new road where one leaves their familiar safety net behind. The guiding force (the Moon) is not as reliable as the stars in the sky, including the sun, so before embarking on the journey the traveler must have a degree of self-confidence: if the moon disappears, and I have left my safety net behind, can I trust myself to pull through? Will I be strong enough to follow no guidance other than my inner guidance? Am I ready to take full ownership of my journey?
Spiritual Memoir: The Moon
I was kind of nervous about this first draw - would I know right away what to write about, or have to sit and ponder for a while for a spiritual experience that relates to whatever card I should draw? Last night, I laid in bed, trying not to mentally scroll through all cards of the Tarot, preemptively matching up experiences from my life with each one. I realized how big a number 78 was ... have I even had 78 spiritual experiences in my life?!?!
This first draw, of course, will probably be the easiest for me, because I'm pulling from a full bank of experiences. My personal story matching the Moon card popped right into mind. It is, naturally, my story of beginning to read Tarot.
In the fall of 2007 I was working with my sisters to prepare for the opening of our metaphysical/new-age shop, and was also working full-time as a home loan processor. I was 24 years old, and had just a year earlier renounced the Christian religion I'd been raised in (LDS/Mormon). My sisters were on other spiritual paths, learning about Buddhism, being trained in Reiki, and reveling in crystals and angel readings, etc. None of that stuff interested me; I mean, it was cool enough, but I had no desire to study or follow any of it. They did instill in me a sort of superstition, though, with their obsession with the Law of Attraction.
One day, bored at work and seeking entertainment, I looked up my horoscope online. Then I clicked from here to there looking for a little more depth and information. None of it really seemed like a match, or very interesting, so I just kept clicking around, from one link to another. I got to a website that gave tarot readings, so I decided to give that a shot. The website was http://www.facade.com/tarot (to this day this is the BEST automated tarot reading website out there!). I asked the question "What's missing in my life? Why do I feel so unfulfilled?" I told it to pick a spread for me and pick a deck for me, and clicked the send button.
It came back with a one-card draw. Today, I have no idea what deck it was from, or what card it was, but it was a black-and-white card with a picture of a scorpion on it. I read the definition, (I have no idea what it said), and everything inside of my mind and heart became super quiet, like a vacuum - like outer space ... and my voice inside of my mind said quietly and clearly, "You need to make amends with your dad."
My dad and I had, at that point, an adequate relationship. I always resented that he demanded so much independence from us, so I kind of threw it back in his face and moved out when I was 17, and never really had a close conversation with him again. We, for the most part, peacefully kept our distance from one another, and while there wasn't overt animosity, I kinda thought he was a jerk. (More insight on this in THIS blog post.) So this voice/reading in one way surprised me because I didn't see it coming, at all; but in another way it surprised me because it was SO right! I could feel it suddenly, there in my heart: a longing for a closeness to my dad. After hours and hours of searching online for something meaningful, I'd found the most powerful spiritual tool I'd ever personally experienced in my life: Tarot.
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Tarot of the Cat People |
So of course I immediately starting scouring the internet and reading everything I could about Tarot. What is it? How does it work? What do the cards look like? Oh, there are different kinds of decks? I discovered the Tarot of the Cat People and decided I must have it, because I love cats! I ordered it immediately online. When the work day was over, I couldn't go home and do nothing - I had to get my hands on a Tarot deck, and start using it. I drove to Barnes and Noble and got one of their generic little decks, and took it home. My boyfriend at the time thought my passion was hilarious, and he teased me pretty relentlessly. But I had to learn. I had to find out how to get answers like that again.
I practiced Tarot for months: on myself, on my friends, on my cats, on anyone who would let me. I consumed about 25 books, joined forums online, read every page of every website I could find, kept a scrupulous journal of my impressions and experiences. The fever continued for about a year, and my love for it has never diminished. I was reticent to do readings for money, but after several experienced friends from an online forum told me my readings were pretty damned good, I decided to go for it. ( http://www.tarotforum.net/ <-- best place to practice and learn Tarot.)
Tarot spawned my interested in archetypes, which led me to study of Jung. It led me to studies of alchemy, astrology, numerology, druidism, animal totems and gnostic gospels. It became a rock that I built a foundation of faith, study, and service on; allowing me to build and change my foundation as I saw fit, without impeding, requiring, commanding or taking anything. Tarot is just there. You make with it what you want, what you will.
This relates to the Moon card, of course, because half of my world thought I was headed straight to the devil for taking this path. Tarot was a mystery to them. They thought (and some think still) that when I felt intuition using Tarot, it wasn't the light of God (sun), but the Devil's imitation of it (moon). But I trusted, and stepped forward anyway.
The experience of discovering Tarot wasn't like the Star card, a hoping and trusting - it was a first step onto a mysterious journey where I was leaving behind my known world and seeking another. It wasn't like the Sun card of joyous knowing and celebration - but a quest, a process, and it required me to get alone with me, to leave behind anything else I'd ever listened to in my life, and to step into the moonlit path of my inner knowing, my inner hearing. Sometimes it's been fun and easy and delightful to just see clarity pop out of the cards, but often the reward is when the moon darkens, and I'm sitting alone on the path staring at a bunch of cards, and I have to struggle to find the meaning, I have to trust my steps in the darkness. I find that I travel further under those circumstances that I would otherwise. The moon is still there, even when it's new, it just isn't shining the light. But it doesn't abandon. It just gives us a little independence, pushes us to find our own lights.
For the record, for the past three years I have worked side by side running two businesses with my Dad. We have become best friends. (See pics below!)
For the record, for the past three years I have worked side by side running two businesses with my Dad. We have become best friends. (See pics below!)
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Me & Dad dancing at a business/social event in Dallas (2009) |
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